Cover yourself from unexpected events that could put your assets at risk.
Make sure your hard work is securely passed along to the appropriate family and business heirs.
You finance your house and car, why not your insurance benefits?
Leverage your buying power with benefits backed by highly rated life insurance companies.
Asset protection from the claims of business and personal creditors.
Recieve investment growth without the immediate tax responsibilties.
Cash for Payments of Debts, Final Illness Costs, Burial Expenses, & Necessary Taxes.
Funds for a Surviving Partner to Buy the Ownership Interest of the Deceased from Heirs.
Equitable Inheritance for off-farm heirs to keep the farm intact for on-farm heirs.
Cash for Payment of an Heir’s Contract to Buy a Farm or Business at the Death of the Owner.
Business Continuations Funds in case an operating heir dies while taking over the business.
An Estate where one would not otherwise exist.
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